Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just leave me alone!

WILL I ever get to live in peace?

My condominium’s third sales committee disbanded a few months ago. We thought we had seen the last of them due to the tough economic times. But I received a new circular in my mailbox last week, saying yet another sales committee wants to go en bloc. Just as I was heaving a sigh of relief and thinking that I could now renovate my apartment, too.

When will it end? Surely as a condo resident I have the right to peace and quiet in my abode for some length of time? I am past 60 years old, and in my twilight years, the thought of looking for a new environment troubles me greatly.

And if my condo could not go en bloc in good times, why on earth would anyone want to sell in bad times?

Could the authorities please revise the en bloc laws to include a realistic time bar on bothersome, repeated en bloc attempts, and to make it difficult to en bloc during a bad economy? If the price does not meet the desired en bloc price of two years back, no sale should be allowed.

Lee Siew Hua

Source : Today - 16 Dec 2008

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