Friday, September 19, 2008

Please uphold URA guideline

Source : Straits Times - 17 Sep 2008

URBAN Redevelopment Authority (URA) made a very good decision to require bay windows and planter boxes to be included in gross floor area (GFA) calculations. I read with dismay ‘Developers appeal to Govt over bay window ruling’ on Sept 13 that property developers are in talks with Government to reverse this. I hope that URA’s decision will be upheld.

The previous ruling allowed developers to sell more space in the form of bay windows or planter boxes without ‘eating’ into GFA calculations. This made it very profitable to include such features as it maximised saleable space.

Bay windows are an environmentally unfriendly feature for a tropical country like Singapore. Having windows protruding out of building facades allows direct sunlight in, which heats up interiors. High levels of air conditioning would then be needed.

Keeping the previous ruling will result in more and more buildings with bay windows. This runs contrary to Singapore’s aspiration to be a leader in sustainable living and development. Architecturally, it is also quite an eyesore.

It is understandable that property developers would want to appeal against this decision as it affects their profitability. However, this cannot be at the expense of damaging Singapore’s reputation as a green city.

Richard Sui

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